Справочник Екатеринбург
35 492 вакансии

Компания «Инанго-СВ» в Екатеринбурге

Inango s passion is in developing innovative software for homes. We have been developing advanced software packages for these markets for several decades,with deep experience that spans Linux,communications protocols,management and encryption systems and application level software. We leverage open-source software packages where possible and have extensive experience in preparing Linux BSP s, OpenWrt packages and hardware-specific performance optimizations. But our big thrill lies in finding all sorts of highly innovative additions and improvements to these packages in order to make them something more special. That is what we like to call our Software Virtuosity. Creating strategic partnerships with leading companies is our preferred way of doing business. We are a small company but have a long track-record of working with some of the largest communications companies world-wide,a tribute (we like to feel) to our professionalism and support. Inango software is currently used in millions of homes world-wide in a range of different applications and wide variety of hardware platforms.

Вакансии «Инанго-СВ» в Екатеринбурге:

Опыт работы: от 1 до 3 лет. Опыт разработки на iOS; если имеется опыт разработки на C - это плюс; если Вы не боитесь увидеть ассемблерный листинг и можете использовать его во время отладки - это ...

официальное трудоустройство по ТК работа в г. Екатеринбург з/п по результатам собеседования.